• Karachi, Pakistan

Agro Allianz Limited - AAL

Company Details

Address Unity Tower 8-C P.E.C.H.S Block 6 Karachi
Auditor EY Ford Rhodes Chartered Accountant
Registrar "F.D Registrar Services (SMC Pvt) Ltd 17th Floor, Saima Trade Tower ""Ä"" I.I Chundrigar Road, Karachi"
Website www.agroallianz.com.pk
Fiscal Year June


Agro Allianz Limited was originally incorporated as a private limited company on March 28@ 1968 under the repealed Companies Act@ 1913. It was later converted into a public limited company on December 14@ 1968. During the year@ the name of the company has been changed from Karim Cotton Mills Limited to Agro Allianz Limited. The main business activity of the Company is to manufacture yarn and fabrics.

Last 30 Days Performance