Company Details
Sector | INSURANCE |
Address | 3rd Floor AWT Plaza The Mall Rawalpindi Pakistan. |
Auditor | M/s Yousaf Adil Charteted Accountants, Islamabad |
Registrar | THK Associates (Private) Limited. 32-C, Jami Commercial Street # 2, DHA Phase 7, Karachi |
Website | |
Fiscal Year | December |
Details |
Askari general insurance company limited was incorporated under the Companies Ordinance@ 1984 (Repealed with the enactment of the Companies Act@ 2017 on May 30@2017) as a public limited company on 12 April 1995. The Company is engaged in non-life insurance business comprising of fire@ marine@ motor@ health and miscellaneous. The Company is a subsidiary of Army Welfare Trust.