• Karachi, Pakistan

First Fidelity Leasing Modaraba - FFLM

Company Details

Address 93 B-1 Canal Park Gulberg -II Lahore
Auditor Crowe Hussain Chaudhary & Co. Chartered Accountants.
Registrar Corptec Associates (Private) Limited, 503-E, Johar Town Lahore.
Website www.fidelitymodaraba.com
Fiscal Year June


First Fidelity Leasing Modaraba was formed under the Modaraba Companies and Modaraba (Floatation and Control) Ordinance@ 1980 and Rules framed there under and is managed by Fidelity Capital Management. The Modaraba is a perpetual@ multipurpose and multidimensional modaraba and is primarily engaged in the business of leasing@ musharika and morabaha financing@ equity investment and other related business. The Modaraba is a corporate member of the National Commodity Exchange Limited.

Last 30 Days Performance