Company Details
Sector | MODARABAS |
Address | 125-S Small Industrial Area Kot Lakhpat Lahore. |
Auditor | M/s. BDO Ebrahim & Co. Chartered Accountants |
Registrar | M/s. F.D. Registrar Services (SMC-Pvt.) Limited, 17th Floor, Saima Trade Tower - A I.I Chundrigar Road, Karachi |
Website | |
Fiscal Year | June |
Details |
First Imrooz Modaraba was formed on September 27@ 1993 under the Modaraba Companies and Modaraba (Floatation and Control) Ordinance@ 1980 and is managed by A R Management Services (Private) Limited. The modaraba is a multi purpose@ perpetual Modaraba and is mainly engaged in domestic and international trading activities.