Company Details
Sector | MODARABAS |
Address | Office No. 100 3rd floor National Tower 28-Egerton Road Lahore |
Auditor | Kreston Hyder Bhimji & Co. |
Registrar | Hameed Majeed Associates (Pvt) Ltd. H.M. House, 7-Bank Square, The Mall,Lahore |
Website | |
Fiscal Year | December |
Details |
First Punjab Modaraba (the Modaraba) was formed under the Modaraba Companies and Modaraba (Floatation and Control) Ordinance@ 1980 and is managed by Punjab Modaraba Services (Private) Limited. The Modaraba is a perpetual@ multi purpose and multi dimensional modaraba and is primarily engaged in the business of ijarah@ musharika and morabaha financing@ equity investment and other related business in accordance with the injunctions of Islam