Company Details
Sector | CHEMICAL |
Address | 39 Empress Road Lahore. |
Auditor | M/s. BDO Ebrahim & Co, Chartered Accountants. |
Registrar | M/s. Hameed Majeed Associate (Pvt.) Ltd. 1st Floor, H.M. House, 7-Bank Square The Mall, Lahore |
Website | |
Fiscal Year | June |
Details |
Ittehad Chemicals Limited was incorporated on September 28@ 1991 to takeover the assets of Ittehad Chemicals and Ittehad Pesticides under a Scheme of Arrangement dated June 18@ 1992. The Company was privatised on July 03@ 1995. The Company is engaged in the business of manufacturing and selling caustic soda and other allied chemicals.