Company Details
Sector | MODARABAS |
Address | 508 5th Floor LSE Plaza Khayaban-e-Aiwan-Iqbal Road Lahore. |
Auditor | Kreston Hyder Bhimji & Co. Chartered Accountants |
Registrar | F. D. Registrar Services (PVT) Limited 17th Floor, Saima Trade Tower-A, I. I.Chundrigar Road Karachi |
Website | |
Fiscal Year | June |
Details |
Modaraba Al-Mali is a multipurpose and perpetual Modaraba floated on July 8@ 1987. It is being managed by BankIslami Modaraba Investments Limited@ whose name is being changed to AssetPlex Modaraba Management Limited. The Modaraba is being repositioned to focus on Venture Capital@ Private Equity and Rehabilitation of Businesses having potential for revival. Besides@ the Modaraba also invests its capital for acquiring@ operating and dealing in the real estate assets.