Company Details
Sector | MODARABAS |
Address | Office No. 601 6th Floor Syedna Tahir Saifuddin Foundation Building Beaumont Road Civil Lines Karachi. |
Auditor | A.F Ferguson & Co. Chartered Accountants |
Registrar | Famco Share Registration Services (Private) Limited 8-F, Next to Hotel Faran, Nursery, Block 6, P.E.C.H.S., Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi. |
Website | |
Fiscal Year | June |
Details |
OLP Modaraba (Formerly@ ORIX Modaraba) was formed under the Modaraba Companies and Modaraba (Floatation and Control) Ordinance@ 1980 and is managed by ORIX Services Pakistan (Private) Limited. The Modaraba is a perpetual Modaraba and is primarily engaged in financing of plant and machinery@ motor vehicles (both commercial and private)@ computer equipment and housing under the modes of Ijarah (Islamic leasing) and Diminishing Musharika. The Modaraba may also invest in commercial and industrial ventures suitable for the Modaraba.