• Karachi, Pakistan

Pak Datacom Limited - PAKD

Company Details

Address Telecom Foundation 1st Floor TF Headquarters 7-Mauve Area G-9/4 Islamabad.
Auditor BDO Ebrahim & Co. Chartered Accountants
Registrar CDC House, 99-B, Block B, S.M.C.H.S., Main Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi
Website www.pakdatacom.com.pk
Fiscal Year June


Pak Datacom Limited was incorporated in Pakistan on July 13@ 1992 as a private limited company under the Companies Ordinance@ 1984 (Repealed with the enactment of the Companies Act@ 2017 on May 30@ 2017) and was converted into a public limited company on June 26@ 1994. The Company commenced its commercial activities from July 1@ 1994 and is principally engaged in setting up@ operating and maintaining a network of data communication and serving the needs of the customers.

Last 30 Days Performance