Company Details
Sector | PROPERTY |
Address | 20Floor Sky Tower-East Wing Dolmen City HC-3 Block 4 Abdul Sattar Edhi Avenue Clifton Karachi |
Auditor | Grant Thornton Anjum Rahman & Co. Chartered Accountants |
Registrar | THK Associates (Private) Limited, Plot No. 32-C, Jami Commercial Street 2, D.H.A, Phase-VII, Karachi |
Website | |
Fiscal Year | June |
Details |
TPL Properties Limited was incorporated in Pakistan as a private limited company on February 14@ 2007 under the repealed Companies Ordinance@ 1984. Subsequently in 2016@ the Company had changed its status from private limited company to public company. The principal activity of the Company is to invest@ purchase@ develop and build real estate and to sell@ rent out or otherwise dispose of in any manner the real estate including commercial and residential buildings@ houses@ shops@ plots or other premises.